How to Renovate Your Basement: The Ultimate Guide

Deciding to renovate your basement is a groovy fashion to add value and usable space to your home. An unfinished basement may allow you lot to store unwanted items. Just that infinite isn't as functional every bit a finished basement. This guide on how to renovate your basement will help you through each step of renovating a basement, from how to make the space set up for construction to calculation in the finishing details.

  • Step ane: Determine How You Desire to Utilize the Space
  • Step ii: Set a Budget
  • Stride iii: Clean Out Your Space
  • Pace 4: Bear a Moisture Test
  • Pace 5: Research Local Codes and Requirements
  • Step six: Insulate Your Basement
  • Step seven: Take Care of Electrical and Plumbing
  • Step eight: Frame and Put Together Any Additional Walls
  • Step 9: Pigment
  • Step x: Put in the Flooring
  • Step eleven: Install the Ceiling
  • Step 12: Add together the Details

Step One: Determine How You Want to Use the Space

Earlier yous renovate your basement, you need to know how y'all plan to use that space. Your dream for your basement may aid make up one's mind everything from what flooring you choose to what colour y'all pigment the walls. Then, spend some fourth dimension in the infinite and decide how you want to use it.

If you're planning a renovation to entreatment to domicile buyers or to increase the value of your home, yous may want to create a more than open design. Then, futurity owners tin can use it for their own purposes. On the other hand, if you're planning to stay in your home long-term, you may want to develop your space exactly according to your desires.

Options for Your Newly Renovated Basement

Yous may desire to:

  • Ready a abode gym. A home gym in the basement may add together value to your home. The equipment, nonetheless, may add thousands to your budget when you renovate your basement.
  • Put in a second living room or a rec room. Adding an extra gathering space can add significant value to your home, especially if you lot started with an unfinished basement.
  • Fix a wet bar. A wet bar may add value to your home for families at any stage of their lives.
  • Put in a playroom for the kids. A playroom may, yet, brand information technology significantly more difficult to sell your dwelling house to a family without children. And so, accept that into consideration as yous programme how to renovate your basement.
  • Design a game room. A game room can add appeal to members of whatever family, which may be a selling point when y'all're ready to leave the house.
  • Add together a bedroom. The basement is a corking place for a spare room or for an older kid to take space to go away on their ain. In gild to count as an official sleeping accommodation for dwelling house appraisal purposes, you volition need to brand sure that the sleeping room has at least ii exits in the event of an emergency.
  • Put in a home theater. Like a living room, a home theater tin can assistance add value and living space to your home.
  • Fix a defended space for laundry. A big laundry room may not brand a large deviation in the overall value of your home. Just information technology can be highly-seasoned to buyers who are looking for more usable space.

Don't Forget About Storage Space

As y'all're because how to gear up up your space, retrieve that you may yet need to leave some room for storage . All those items that have been in your basement in the past volition still need a place to go in the future. While the garage tin can offer some infinite as y'all renovate your basement, you don't want to lose your parking spot.

Consider creating a cupboard or building a storage room into your basement plans. If y'all demand other temporary or long-term storage solutions, check out Neighbor to learn more about the options available in your area.

Stride Two: Set a Budget

Earlier you can set up out to renovate your basement, you need to take an idea of how much your project will toll. Establishing your budget is an of import step. This volition assistance y'all choose the correct materials and finishing features. It will also aid shape each phase of the process. Make sure you have a budget in mind before y'all brainstorm your project. Information technology's specially important to have a upkeep before you lot start purchasing those important materials.

How Much Does It Cost to Finish a Basement?

In general, you lot tin can expect an average of$25 to $50 per square human foot to cease your basement. An average basement renovation costs around $30,000. Only your final cost tag will depend on a variety of factors, including what you lot want to practise with the infinite.

How Practice I Calculate My Basement Budget?

Computing your basement renovation budget starts with assessing the funds you take available. How much do you have saved? How much practice yous want to borrow? You may want to consider several factors when determining how much you lot desire to spend when you renovate your basement, including:

What renovations practise you want to make?

If y'all're planning to put in a full bathroom or kitchen when you renovate your basement, for example, yous may demand to consider the price of plumbing. A dwelling gym may raise the toll of your renovations due to the cost of exercise equipment. Have a wait at what materials y'all may need for your renovation before you go started.

Is a DIY basement renovation an option?

Even if you're experienced with DIY techniques, you may still need to bring in an experienced contractor to assist with your renovations. Electrical or plumbing modifications, especially, should be handled by a professional person.

How fancy do you want the space to look?

Some people want a very fancy space, with just as much attention to detail as they want upstairs and throughout the balance of their abode. Others are content with a simpler, functional infinite.

What allowances do you need to make for local codes?

You may, for case, need to add together an exit from your basement to make information technology a usable living or bedchamber space. This can add to the cost. We discuss building codes more in-depth in Step V.

Pace Iii: Make clean Out Your Infinite

In society to renovate your basement, you're going to have to clean out all of the "stuff" currently occupying that space.

You may have used your basement for storage for years. Past occupants of your home may even have left items in the basement. Before you lot can turn that basement into usable space, you demand toclean out what'due south already in in that location. Make certain you accept a make clean slate and so that you're non working around items y'all no longer desire equally you kickoff your renovation!

Cleaning out your space ahead of fourth dimension will also make more room for the professionals as they come in to provide estimates and advice virtually your basement. Consider hosting a g sale to get rid of those unwanted items.

Step Four: Conduct a Moisture Examination

When y'all're using your basement for storage, you might not worry most a fiddling bit of dampness. But when you're fix to renovate your basement, dampness and wet could prove a much more than significant problem. Trapped moisture tin can lead to mold and mildew growth. It could even warp the future new flooring in your basement.

Earlier you lot outset looking into damp basement solutions, exam for moisture. You can utilize:

A calcium chloride test.

In a calcium chloride examination , which is usually conducted in iii locations for every chiliad foursquare anxiety of flooring, yous'll place carefully weighed calcium hydroxide into a container, which is covered by a plastic seal. After 72 hours, you lot can weigh the container once again. Whatever extra weight in the container is due to h2o evaporation, usually from a physical basement floor.

A relative humidity test

This is unremarkably conducted by professionals. They'll drill into the concrete slab straight or use meters installed when the concrete was poured to test the humidity levels of the floor. This method tin often prove more accurate and provide more information almost humidity levels throughout your basement infinite.

You should besides acquit a full inspection of your home earlier you lot renovate your basement. Then, y'all can make sure that there are no unwanted cracks or crevices where boosted moisture can sneak in. If you notice cracks or areas of the walls that seem to have accumulated more moisture than they should, you may need to make repairs before continuing with your renovation. Check for pools or drips of water , particularly after heavy rain when they may be easier to spot. If you notice cracks or find whatever signs of water, they demand to be repaired before yous offset your basement renovation. Too, make sure the ground is graded away from the foundation to help reduce the risk of water getting into your basement.

What happens if the basement humidity levels are high?

Relative humidity in your basement and throughout your abode should, if at all possible, remain at or beneath 50%. At 80% relative humidity, the risk of mold and mildew starts to climb. Fortunately, the presence of that humidity does not necessarily mean that you cannot keep with your basement renovations. It may simply hateful that you need to make a few modifications to your plans. These tips can help y'all work around high humidity levels in your basement:

  • Identify any moisture sources. Is in that location water coming into the basement? If you find water during heavy rains, you lot may have a leak somewhere that needs to be repaired.
  • Install a dehumidifier. Make sure you make clean information technology out and replace its filters frequently to prevent mold and mildew growth.
  • Avert using rug in the basement. While carpet can requite your basement a warmer, more than homey feel, it can also collect moisture. Instead, choose a difficult floor and use rugs for ornamentation and condolement.
  • Keep air circulating through the basement throughout the year. If your basement remains at a relatively consistent temperature, you may exist tempted to avert using climate command in the basement. Keeping air circulating through the area, even so, tin help stave off excess moisture.

Step V: Inquiry Local Codes and Requirements

Before you dive in with your renovation, take a moment out to enquiry local codes and requirements for renovations. Call your local city planning department or examine building codes by country . You may need to apply for edifice permits or ensure that your edifice is upwards to lawmaking before you get started on your renovation. Make sure to consider these 2 common requirements for basement renovations:

  • How many exits your basement must have: If you intend to put a bedroom in the basement, for example, exits are critical. Some cities may crave at to the lowest degree two exits from whatever infinite you're in regularly.
  • How high the ceilings must be: In some cases, in that location may be ceiling requirements that dictate how you can use your basement space. Make sure you check them out before you renovate your basement.

Familiarizing yourself with the necessary codes and procedures earlier you starting time with your basement renovation is essential. You don't want to meet expensive fines or problems downward the road when yous discover that you don't accept the right permits or that you lot failed to inquire the right questions early in the renovation process.

Stride Six: Insulate Your Basement

someone adding insulation around a basement window

One time you've taken care of the pre-renovation work, information technology's fourth dimension for the agile renovation to brainstorm! The starting time pace is insulating the basement walls. Frequently, walls in an unfinished basement are simply cinder blocks. Adding insulation can aid protect your energy costs and increment the condolement level of your basement. Yous take several options for basement insulation, including these three popular options:

  1. Spray foam : This foam can fill all of the cracks and crevices to assistance prevent mold and mildew growth. Spray foam tin can be a messy proposition. Information technology may also cost more than than other insulation methods. But it too provides an extra element of protection and can aid preclude moisture from making its mode into your basement.
  2. Foam lath : This material should be between two and four inches thick. The exact thickness will depend on your climate, also equally your local codes and requirements. Y'all tin can fill any seams around your cream board with house wrap tape or use spray foam for the seams.
  3. Foam and fiberglass insulation: When y'all apply foam board and fiberglass, you will install the foam lath directly against the concrete or cake walls. Then you frame the wall and add together fiberglass insulation betwixt the studs. This method can testify much more inexpensive than the other methods described higher up. Simply information technology shouldn't be used if you take ever struggled with high moisture levels in the basement.

Pace Seven: Accept Care of Electrical Systems and Plumbing in Your Basement

Earlier you continue with your basement, take the time to map out the rooms. Where practise the outlets need to be located? Do you accept any pipes or plumbing that needs to be added, especially if you're adding in a bathroom or kitchen? You should generally contact a professional person plumber or electrician to ensure that those details are upwardly to code when you renovate your basement. Some cities even require specific certifications to piece of work on electricity or plumbing directly.

Step Eight: Frame and Put Together Any Additional Walls

professional sealing drywall seams

Are you planning to add distinct rooms to your basement? You lot might desire to add more than one sleeping room or put in dividers between specific areas of the basement. Once you've insulated the outside walls, information technology's time to frame those interior walls . The four basic steps are:

  1. Cutting your 2x4s to the right length. On vertical wall joists, subtract ane/4″ plus the thickness of the top and bottom plates.
  2. Install blocking between overhead joists. Attach a 2×four every ii anxiety.
  3. Put the wall together on the basis. You will need joists every 16 inches. The 16″ mark should be in the middle of each joist. Make sure to business relationship for doors and windows, which may mean shifting joists accordingly.
  4. Tip the wall upwards. Attach the bottom first, then the pinnacle.

Once your walls are framed, you can hang your drywall. This is the outer surface of the wall that anybody sees. Drywall sheets can be hung either horizontally or vertically. In nearly homes, yet, horizontal drywall volition decrease the number of seams and make information technology easier for yous to put it together. Measure out each piece of drywall to make sure that it ends on a stud. You volition need to trim abroad excess drywall and cut out holes for your outlets, vales, windows, and doors.

How do you brand the walls polish and ready for paint? In one case the drywall is upwardly, caulk the seams and screws. Add together drywall tape to seams in the wall, then caulk again. This will requite yous a solid, smoothen surface throughout your basement.

Step Nine: Paint Your Basement

Your basement walls may require several coats of paint before they expect their best. Start with a coat of primer. Y'all may want to use a waterproof primer to aid proceed your walls clean and dry out. Then, add ii coats of pigment to continue the walls looking their best. If you're going to use the basement equally a child or family unit-friendly space, you may want to utilise washable pigment. This makes it easier to remove dust and grime, as well as crayon, marker, and the other materials that kids often add together to the surface of walls.


Painting your basement before you put in your flooring can offer one primal advantage: no thing what you spill, it's not going to exist on the finished floor of your basement!

Step Ten: Put in the Flooring

Your basement floor can help set the tone for the entire basement. Just choosing rug when you renovate your basement can be a recipe for disaster. Any flooding or leaking may upshot in mold, mildew, and, ultimately, the need for carpeting replacement. If you lot practise choose to utilise carpet, consider carpet tiles. These are easier to pull upwards and dry out or replace individually if needed.

You may also want to avoid hardwoods, which often create a thriving breeding ground for mold and mildew. They tin can also degrade over time if there's any wet in your basement, let alone high levels of moisture. Instead of carpet or wood, consider improve basement flooring materials like:

  • Floor tiles with born vapor barriers
  • Floating floors, including cork, laminate, and sheet vinyl
  • Ceramic tile

You can as well cull to simply put an epoxy seal over your concrete floor. This method may leave you with cold, hard floors in the basement. Just it's likewise highly resistant to h2o damage and doesn't usually attract germs and bacteria. Other types of flooring volition too install easily over the epoxy if y'all determine yous want a change down the road.

Whatever type of floor yous choose, make sure it's either waterproof or water-resistant. Inevitably, flooding or water damage will sneak into your basement. Choosing the right type of flooring can help decrease the damage — and the bills you'll face.

How to Finish a Basement Flooring

  1. Install subflooring, especially if your basement has high humidity levels. Lay down polystyrene insulation sheets, and then put the plywood sheets on top. This will form a solid base for any type of flooring you desire to add. Information technology will likewise provide a moisture barrier that can help protect your home.
  2. Check the instructions for your flooring. Some types of flooring, including bamboo and even laminate, may need to acclimatize to the area where you programme to put them downwards. Open the boxes and leave them for a few days while you have on the remainder of your tasks.
  3. Lay downward the flooring. Make sure to measure advisedly around outlets, vents, and doorways to ensure a smooth floor.
  4. Seal the floor, if needed.   A seal tin assist protect against wet damage or damage to the flooring through regular use. This is a good way to protect stylish tile floors.

Step Eleven: Install the Ceiling

While you lot don't have to take a finished ceiling in your basement, it tin can help the infinite look more complete. Check your ceiling height earlier installing a ceiling, since information technology can brand your space announced even lower or smaller. Simply painting over the ceiling tin can make it wait improve without sacrificing infinite.

You may also choose to install drywall when you renovate your basement. This option will have a little space out of the walls, but information technology will make your basement look more finished than paint alone. The process to install drywall on the ceiling isn't dramatically different than the process of the walls of your basement. An extra set of hands tin assistance hold the drywall in place through the installation. Alternatively, yous can use a drywall jack to assistance hold the drywall while you spiral information technology in place.

If you choose a drop ceiling, you can cover all exposed pipes and floor joists while leaving hatches that provide access to those areas. Make certain to leave access hatches at convenient locations so that you lot can easily conduct any maintenance needed on your habitation.

Step Twelve: Add the Details

One time your basement has been framed and prepared, it'southward time to make clean upwards the infinite and add the details that will make the space complete. Now, you can put in that home theater equipment, bring in the gym equipment, or add the game tables that you've been excited about since your basement renovation began.

Hang pictures or posters on the walls for decoration, add together curtains to any windows, or take intendance of those important last-minute touches. Y'all've transformed your basement from a bones storage infinite into a useful, incredible improver to your home. Now, it'due south fourth dimension to bask information technology!